Getting Motivated

Hello, it’s been a while

It’s been a long time since my last blog post. I was really motivated at the start, but now I seem to just jot down an idea in a notebook “for later” and later never materializes. One of my dearest friends recently mentioned it had been one hundred days since my last post. My response was “I’ve been busy”.

And I have been busy. Since my last post I took a new job and have been doing a lot of volunteer work. But that should not supersede my creativity. And yes, I have found time to do a few creative projects, but have not made the time to write about them. And that is on me.

Since I LOVE to write, why does it always take the back burner to everything else?

It’s on my list

As I have mentioned before, I am a list girl. And every single day the directive to write something is on my list. Yet this is the thing that always ends up as an afterthought, which is unfortunate, because writing is self-care for me. So, this goes to show that self-care is far down on my “must do” list, which is unfortunate because I cannot be my best self without taking time out to feed my soul.

I feel like I am not the only person who does this. We get a work project (or projects!), and it becomes the sole focus of our lives until it’s done.

In my head I know that this is wrong and unstainable from a mental health perspective.  I am, however, part of a generation that was taught to work hard and play later. But self-care should not be considered play or leisure. It should be considered a necessity to help us be the best at everything – our jobs, our relationships, parenting, etc.  If we cannot take care of ourselves, how can we expect to take care of others?

So, in an effort to care for myself, care for my loved ones, totally rock my job, and nurture my need to write, I am challenging myself to writing at least three paragraphs every day for the next 30 days, with the hope that this becomes the norm, like washing my face and brushing my teeth.

I hope you will hold me to this!


  1. For the next 13 days, I will refuse to let you sleep until you have written 3 paragraphs, lol!

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