Ireland, Here We Come!

Ireland, Here We Come!

Tired, but happy My friend Alexa and I arrived in Dublin about 11:30 in the morning. We caught a cab to our hotel, but since it was too early to check in, we dropped our luggage and headed out to do some sightseeing, check out the shops on Grafton Street and visit our first Irish…

Exploring with Family

Mom and Pop’s first trip to New York My in-laws recently came to visit. Before anyone starts commiserating, I confess I adore my in-laws! They are fun, easy-going, and never visit for long enough. They are typically in and out in 3-4 days, and just roll with the flow. This was their first trip to…

Getting Motivated

Getting Motivated

Hello, it’s been a while It’s been a long time since my last blog post. I was really motivated at the start, but now I seem to just jot down an idea in a notebook “for later” and later never materializes. One of my dearest friends recently mentioned it had been one hundred days since…

Spring is in the Air

Spring is in the Air

What is it about seeing the first flowers in spring that makes the world seem brighter? In the past few days everything has begun to wake up after the winter. The bulbs I planted in the fall are coming up, the hyacinths and wild violets are blooming, the birds and squirrels are happily foraging for…