
Off on Another Adventure

Off on Another Adventure

I have always wanted to see the world and I am so excited and deeply grateful for the privilege of getting to fulfill my travel dreams at this point in my life. I am off to London this week with my cousin Natalie and can’t wait to share our adventures with you! Packing and repacking…

Bad Dreams and Other Things

Bad Dreams and Other Things

Have you ever woken from a dream so bad that it stayed with you for days?  I had one of those last Saturday night and nearly a week later my mind keeps returning to that horrible dream.  It pops back into my head several times each day and then I spend far too much time…

January Adventures

January Adventures

Right after Christmas Robert and I snuck off to Ottawa, Canada for the weekend. He had to go there for business, so I tagged along, and we made a weekend out of it. We left home early and arrived in Ottawa around 11 am. I dropped R at his meeting venue and set out to…

Last Days in Ireland

Last Days in Ireland

Galway City We arrived at our rental to learn the place is a third-floor walkup. Ugh. I had a suitcase full of dirty laundry, so up three flights the bags must go. The apartment was OK – there were water issues, and we never figured out the in-shower water heater worked. Can we all say…

Exploring South, then West

Exploring South, then West

Buses and trains We were up and away early Saturday morning as we had a train to catch. After schlepping our luggage in and out of a taxi, then finding the hidden elevator since the escalator at the train station was broken, we finally made it to our platform. But wait! Turns out there is…

Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland

A Brief Visit to the North Since this trip was our first to the Emerald Isle, we were determined to see as much as possible, including some significant sites in Northern Ireland. Since we hadn’t picked up our car yet, and it was a long drive, we opted to go on a bus tour to…

Ireland, Here We Come!

Ireland, Here We Come!

Tired, but happy My friend Alexa and I arrived in Dublin about 11:30 in the morning. We caught a cab to our hotel, but since it was too early to check in, we dropped our luggage and headed out to do some sightseeing, check out the shops on Grafton Street and visit our first Irish…

15(ish) Miles of the Erie Canal

Getting Ready to Cruise My husband and I have followed a YouTube channel called “Cruising the Cut” for many years. We’ve always thought cruising in a narrow boat would fun, like having a floating camper. Guess what? There is an outfit in Central New York that rents old-fashioned, wooden, packet-style canal boats. So, we rented…

Getting Motivated

Getting Motivated

Hello, it’s been a while It’s been a long time since my last blog post. I was really motivated at the start, but now I seem to just jot down an idea in a notebook “for later” and later never materializes. One of my dearest friends recently mentioned it had been one hundred days since…

Spring is in the Air

Spring is in the Air

What is it about seeing the first flowers in spring that makes the world seem brighter? In the past few days everything has begun to wake up after the winter. The bulbs I planted in the fall are coming up, the hyacinths and wild violets are blooming, the birds and squirrels are happily foraging for…

Farewell Espana

Farewell Espana

Now we only have two days left in Spain, so instead of spending half a day on the train to go back to Seville, we hired a driver through Daytrip so we could see a few more sights along the way. This was a bit of a splurge, but so worth it! Our driver Richard…

Beautiful Granada

We planned to take the train from Malaga to Granada, but the night before we left we received an email, all in Spanish, regarding our trip. So, Natalie speaks some Spanish, but this was too complicated so we had to find someone to translate it. Turned out that something was wrong with part of the…

Off to Africa!

Off to Africa!

The drive from Gibraltar to Tarifa is about 41 kilometers, which should take about 40 minutes. Unfortunately, as we left Gibraltar and the Spanish town of La Linea, it got dark, and started to rain. Plus, the road goes right up a mountain and is full of double s curves. As you can imagine, the…

Beautiful – Wet- Cordoba

Sunday morning dawned much chillier than the day before and there was a distinct dampness in the air, but that didn’t deter us from our plans to visit Cordoba and another UNESCO World Heritage site.  Bus Stop Boogie We walked to the nearest bus stop to catch Bus 32 to the Santa Justa train station,…

Hola Sevilla!

Natalie and I arrived at our vacation rental in Seville’s Triana neighborhood mid-afternoon on Friday. We were both wiped out but decided to power through our sleepiness in an attempt to avoid jetlag.    So, we stowed our belongings, grabbed our crossbody bags and a jacket, and set off to explore. The very first day we…