Reflections on the Beginning of the Year

Here we are in a new year, and with a new year comes a slew of resolutions, intentions, and goals for many of us. And unfortunately, for many of us, a lot of those lofty plans have been left by the wayside before February gets started.

Making plans

I spent quite a bit of time the last couple of weeks of 2023 trying to identify my intentions and goals for this new year, and I keep getting hung up on all the things I did not accomplish rather than the new opportunities ahead. As January 1st came and went, I was getting frustrated by my lack of a clear direction for the new year, but then I took a breath and acknowledged that January is not my month.

No matter how I try to set myself up to be excited for a new year, I am rarely able to move forward this time of year. And that is OK. For years I have pushed myself to hit the ground running in January, and it never works. So, this year, I choose to use January to breathe and give my psyche a chance to rest and recharge. Instead of pushing myself to embark on ambitious plans, I am working to identify the things that will truly help me to grow as a person.

Brief Recap

I have spent the last year trying out new creative projects, so now have a good idea of what I really enjoy doing – writing, painting, photography, and restoring furniture- and what I do not have the patience to do – fabric crafts, wax melts, and jewelry making. I do like creating with resin and making wreaths, so I will continue to hone those skills.

Clearing the Clutter

But what else? My mind seems to be cluttered, with no clear direction. And since I can’t seem to clear the clutter in my head, I have set out on a challenge to clear the clutter in my house. I started today by going through the pantry shelves and putting together a box of food staples we will never use to donate to a local food pantry.

My next task is to go through my craft supply collections and get rid of everything that pertains to the crafts that I do not want to pursue. After that, I plan to tackle my closet.

Small Wins

Since I have given myself permission to just “be” for the month, I have noticed that my thoughts are a bit more positive. Instead of dwelling on the things I didn’t do, the last couple of days I have been having some good “did do” moments.

For starters I began a gratitude journal. To be honest, I stopped writing in it after a few months, because frankly, it became a chore to try and find one specific thing each day to be grateful for. I struggled with that until I realized why I was having a hard time. I discovered that just writing in the journal for a few months helped me cultivate an attitude of gratitude, meaning I wake up each morning giving thanks for blessings, and do the same each night before falling asleep.

Another win has been that I am finally travelling to places I have always wanted to go. Last year I got to travel to Spain and Ireland and am currently planning a trip to England this year.

My third win is a deeper understanding of myself and what I need to feel happy. I have come to understand that I am a better wife, mother, grandparent, daughter, sister, friend, and leader when I actually practice self-care.

Over the last year, my self-care has taken many forms, including working with a personal trainer, visiting the chiropractor when my body felt off, indulging in massages as often as possible, taking really long baths, and pursuing many different creative outlets.

Having shared how I typically just shut down in January, I want to clarify that while my body wants to hibernate and I have trouble with daily tasks, my mind is still busy with big picture hopes and dreams.

Focus on the long game

And even though short-term goals and intentions may be out of focus for the moment, I know I will get clarity as long as I keep my long-term goals in focus. Which for me, is easier than those pesky new year resolutions.

So, for what it’s worth, I say it is perfectly fine to take a month (or two) in 2024 to decide what you really want to accomplish this year.  We are all striving to do our best in this life, so why rush if it causes stress or encourages you to make a “resolution” that doesn’t align with your personality? Becoming the person you were born to be takes time and patience. Embrace the journey! Laugh at your foibles. Forgive yourself. Grant yourself grace.

Wishing you all an exciting, healthy, and prosperous 2024!