Planning My First Trip to Europe

I am so excited ya’ll! I am leaving for Spain in a few days, my first trip outside of North America. And I have been obsessing about packing, and itineraries, and safety, and what to take in my carryon, and, and, and…

I have been poring over blogs, and guidebooks, and travel websites to the point that I am driving myself crazy! But hopefully, all my research will pay off and I won’t forget something important like my passport or undies.

I had the lofty goal of trying to pack everything I needed for 12 days abroad in a carryon bag, but alas, I failed. Since I am going to have to check a bag anyway, I decided to take the BIGGEST allowable suitcase so I have plenty of room for souvenirs, etc., because hey, shopping happens!

I am so incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to start traveling, but one of the funnest aspects is my travel companion. I am having this adventure with my cousin Natalie, who was my first best friend. We were inseparable as children, then grew apart, and have now reconnected, which makes my heart so happy.

It also makes me happy that Natalie has traveled abroad pretty extensively, so maybe she can keep me from making rookie mistakes that scream tourist.

We plan to hit as many cities as possible in the Andalusia region, with side trips to Gibraltar and Tangiers, so be sure to hop over to my Instagram and Facebook pages to follow along on our adventures.

And if you have suggestions for not to be missed sights in southern Spain, please leave a comment.

Hasta la proxima vez!

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