A new chapter

Welcome to Random Acts of Kelly, a blog about trying new things — for fun, to hone my skills, to discover new passions (or discover things that truly are not for me), and ultimately to find my “What’s next?”

Dust storm at sunset

About Me

Hi! I’m Kelly, a 50-something former nonprofit executive standing at a crossroads in life. In the past year, I retired from my executive director job to move across the country with my husband. So here I am – in a new state, unemployed, and for the first time in decades, I have time on my hands.

I have spent so many years focusing on my work that I lost the real me. I was feeling adrift even before we moved. I doubt I’m the only one experiencing this. There are many others like me, I’m sure – standing at an intersection, wondering which way to go and how to reclaim the joy and excitement of life.

I invite you to join me on this journey of discovery. Hopefully you’ll benefit and learn too, as I explore new hobbies, share cool things I find, strive to be a better version of me, and discover fresh aspects of living an intentional and rewarding new life.

It’s time to leave the beaten path. I plan to wade into the weeds, jump down rabbit holes, and unleash my curiosity. 

Come along! We’re going to do whatever it takes to reignite our spirits and find our “next great thing”.